Depending upon the size of the prompt, how busy I am, and the amount of research I already have, delivery may take up to three weeks (in rare cases, longer). It is your responsibility to provide sufficient notice. You will be responsible for 100% of the research if you do not provide timely warning.
Choose a topic below or suggest a new one (I will add it to the list).
Email me the topic you want to do.
I will post a comprehensive survey of relevant sources for you to use. You are welcome to supplement this with your own research.
- What is the meaning of life?
- Are there right and wrong ways of pursuing happiness?
- Is human nature good, evil, mixed, or blank?
- Is morality fulfilling duty, maximizing good, being virtuous or something else?
- What is justice?
- Do all humans have inherent worth?
- Is attachment the root of all suffering as Buddhism claims?
- What are the conditions for success?
- Why has science been so much more successful than other disciplines?
- Do humans have free will?
- How do we come to believe something is true?
- Is perception generally accurate?
- What is the difference between analytic and continental philosophy?
- What is postmodernism? Why does it matter?
- What is poststructuralism? Why does it matter?
- What is pragmatism? Why does it matter?
- What is phenomenology? Why does it matter?
- What is rationalism? Why does it matter?
- What is existentialism? Why does it matter?
- What is absurdism? Why does it matter?
- What is Critical Discourse Analysis? Why does it matter?
- What is the relationship between power and knowledge?
- What is the relationship between language and thought?
- Is morality possible without God?
- How could a good and all-powerful God allow suffering?
- Does God exist?
- Are there multiple paths to salvation?
- Is it possible for God to be above rational understanding?
- Is the Bible trustworthy?
- Who is God according to the Bible?
- Is hell a place of eternal torment?
- Does the Bible have to be divinely inspired for Christianity to be true?
- Is Islam actually a religion of peace?
- What is Calvinism? Why does it matter?
- What is the difference between Protestantism and Catholicism?
- Is the philosophy of Ecclesiastes nihilistic?
- Did Jesus actually exist? If so, is the Bible's depiction accurate?
- Is the Bible scientifically accurate?
- Is the Bible historically accurate?
- Does the Bible contradict itself?
- How does the Biblical worldview compare to modern belief systems?
- Should minimum wage be a livable wage?
- How should we address the anti-vaccination movement?
- Is "Black Lives Matter" an extension of the Civil Rights Movement or a counterproductive coalition?
- What is white privilege? Does it exist? Does it matter?
- Should tobacco related products be illegal?
- What is political polarization and why does it matter?
Should genetic engineering on humans be allowed? *
A recent study found the following: “46 percent of adults approved of genetic modification of babies to reduce the risk of serious diseases”; however, 83 percent disapproved of using genetic modification to make a baby smarter, saying it would be “taking medical advances too far.”1
No: Current efforts suggest that such technology will be prohibitively expensive. For instance, a type of gene therapy that addresses hereditary eye disease currently costs $850,000.2 Accordingly, the result of GE will be “a dystopia of super-people and designer babies for those who can afford it.”3 Giving additional advantages to the ultra-rich—such as a dramatically increased IQ and the ability to work on three hours of sleep4—will only exacerbate wealth inequality. At present, the top 10% have more than three times the bottom 90% combined.5 As research demonstrates, such wealth inequality is inversely correlated with both socioeconomic mobility and democracy.6 At our current level of inequality, for instance, the economic elite have over 1000x more political influence than the average American.7
Yes: The opposition assumes that GE will be available only to the rich. Like any public service, however, it can be regulated and subsidized by the government. By removing variations in the genetic lottery, GE could actually help to reduce rather than increase inequality. Rather than only a few being born with superior intelligence, aptitude, and looks, everyone could be a genetic “winner.” Even if such technology remains in the hands of private enterprise, however, it would still be worth developing. The intellectual history of the world repeatedly demonstrates one maxim: an extremely small minority of people have produced the overwhelming majority of intellectual discoveries. If we could regularly produce super geniuses we might solve many of the world’s current problems: the cancer epidemic, climate change, global poverty, etc.
Find Out More -
Should physicians be allowed to assist patients in committing suicide? *
In the past year, 3.7% of Americans (8.3 million) had thoughts of suicide in the past year, 1.0% (2.3 million) developed a suicide plan, .5% (1 million) attempted suicide and a small fraction of a percent (45 thousand) committed suicide.1 Nearly 5% of Americans (15 million) attempt suicide at some point in their life.2
No: PAS is not only a violation of the hippocratic oath, but it will also increase the suicide rate approximately thirty-five times. First, the “success” rate will move from 4% to 100%.3 Secondly, suicide will become normalized: after Thirteen Reasons Why was released, for instance, searches for “’how to commit suicide” were 26% higher than normal.4 Similarly research suggests that contagion can dramatically increases suicide risk: 5 to 12% with the death of a stranger; 12% with a public figure; and 65% with a friend or family member.4,5,6 Accordingly, PAS will result in nearly 2 million Americans dying by suicide each year—over three times the total number of deaths from all forms of cancer..7 Furthermore, 70% of all suicide attempts were made less than an hour after decision, indicating that impulsivity was the cause. This explains why only 4% of “people who survived intentionally hurting...themselves went on to die by suicide within 10 years.” In other words, 96% of survivors regretted the decision enough not to try again.8 Data from other countries suggest that the primary reasons for suicide are potentially resolvable. In India, for instance, family problems (24%) were the number one cause.9
Yes: the above statistics precisely the reason why PAS should be legalized. Only when it’s made legal can regulations be put in place and suicide risk lowered. For instance, educational classes will mitigate against contagion; physician assessments against impulsivity; and short-term therapy against regret. Secondly, desperate people will resort to desperate measures, which will almost always include collateral damage: bystanders may be unwilling participants (.4% of suicides are by traffic and 2.3% by falls); observers (17% of suicides occur in public); or unfortunate finders (about 80%).10,11 Preliminary evidence suggests the experience is traumatic. In one study, for instance, nearly every observer met at least one criteria for PTSD.12 In other words, PAS makes the process easier for both parties: in one, participants pass away peacefully having said farewell to their loved ones; in the other, someone close discovers a potentially mutilated body. Finally, government should not be allowed to refuse the most fundamental right: the freedom to choose whether to live or to die.
Find Out More - Should the death penalty be allowed?
- Why is America no longer a democracy and what can be done about it?
- Should we spend more than half of our discretionary budget on the military?
- Do drone strikes produce or kill more terrorists?
- To what extent, if any, is feminism still relevant today?
- Should we continue to lock people up at 5x the global average?
- Should we pay reparations to the descendants of slaves?
- Should corporations be allowed to run prisons for profit?
- How should we respond to the climate change denial movement?
- What is democratic socialism?
- Is gender a social construct?
- What is systemic racism and does it exist?
- Is affirmative action racism?
- Should pennies be abolished?
- Why is gun violence 25 times higher in the US than in other developed countries?
- What is the military industrial complex and why does it matter?
- Should the US stop using the death penalty?
- Should humanity develop artificial intelligence indefinitely?
- Should teenagers work in high school?
- What is totalitarianism?
- Should college be free?
- How should we address the student loan crisis?
- Should we have a universal basic income?
- Should we keep the electoral college?
- Should felons be allowed to vote?
- Should water bottles be banned?
- Is our culture of tipping harmful for both employees and customers?
- Are generational stereotypes accurate?
- Why is college so expensive?
- How should we interpret the gender and/or age gap in attempted suicides?
- Is introversion a personality trait as valuable as extroversion or is it something else like social anxiety, low self-esteem, or a lack of interest in others?
- Are extremely successful people emotionally healthy or overcompensating for something?
- What is the unconscious? Why does it matter?
- Why is vulnerability important?
- How much, if any, praise is good for people?
- How accurate are we at gauging what others think of us?
- Should we treat mental illness the same as physical illness?
- What is the most accurate personality classification?
- Is positive self-evaluation or unconditional self-acceptance better?
- What are the psychological causes of depression?
- How important is resilience and what can you do to obtain it?
- Are we experiencing a suicide epidemic? If so, what can we do about it?
- What are the effects of trauma?
- Is there a sub-culture of unhealthy academic competition? If so, what is it doing to students?
- Where is the line between hard work and workaholism?
- How do you help someone who is addicted?
- What is the best way to deal with anxiety (general, performance, specific, etc.)?
- Can trying to resolve psychological issues make them worse?
- What is mindfulness and does it accomplish everything it purports to?
- Are males socialized into repressing their emotions? If so, what are the consequences of this?
- Are females socialized not to be assertive? If so, what are the consequences of this?
- Why is the divorce rate close to 50%? What can be done about it?
- What are the benefits of being assertive? Can you learn to be more assertive?
- Is modern society fostering mental illness?
- What are the types of parenting styles and their effects on children?
- What is Narrative Therapy? Why does it matter?
- To what extent was America justified in dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
- Should the mass extermination of Native Americans be considered a genocide?
- To what extent did the treaty of Versailles catalyze World War II?
- Is there a parallel between the south's break from the north during the Civil War and America's split from Great Britain during the Revolution?
- Who was the worst dictator?
- Who was the greatest leader?
- How did the American eugenics movement influence Nazi Germany?
- Was WWII or the New Deal the primary solution to the Great Depression?
- What was the most influential movement in America (e.g. feminism, LGBTQ, civil rights, labor laws, etc.)?
- What is the purpose of education?
- Should schools replace literary analysis with debate training?
- Why does the US lag behind other nations in educational rankings?
- What is the purpose of grades and should A's be given out less frequently?
- Does society value non-stem majors too little, too much, or about right?
- Do schools kill creativity?
- Should education be neutral or ideologically driven?
- Should school be year-round?
- Does literature have any value beyond entertainment?
- Has history education failed to produce informed citizens? If so, what can be done about it?
What are intellectual virtues and why do they matter?
Address common questions ahead of time to save yourself an email.
- To what extent are tests (IQ, standardized, etc.) accurate assessments of what they purport to measure?
- How accurate are published and peer-reviewed scientific papers?
- Should we stop subsidizing career paths that have poor job prospects?
- Who is John Dewey and why does he matter?
- Who is Paulo Freire and why does he matter?
- What is the relationship between education and democracy?
- If you had to reimagine education from the ground up, what would it look like?
- Do video games lead to violence?
- Are video games just an entertaining diversion or can they teach valuable lessons?
- Should police be required to wear body cameras?
- How do the costs of technology compare to the benefits?
- What technology is the most promising for solving global warming?
- How much technology use is "too much?"
- What makes something technology as opposed to a product or theory?
- How is social media changing us as individuals and as a society?
- How has Youtube changed entertainment and education?
- What was the most directly consequential technology?
- Was the information revolution as consequential as the industrial and agrarian revolutions?
- What technological products or brands are overrated and why?
- Is technology the primary driver behind human progress? Why or why not?
- What's the most important problem that could be solved with technology?
- What upcoming technologies are the most promising in their respective domains?
- How can technology be used to increase personal productivity?
- How did technology, particularly social media, shape the 2016 election?
- Are Youtube's policies fair to content creators?
- How viable is it to make a career on Youtube?
- What is the greatest video game of all time? Why?
- Are novels just an inferior form of media?
- Is society headed towards a dystopia of technological addiction?
- To what extent can technology replace and/or supplement the traditional classroom?
- Should technology courses (engineering, computer science, etc.) be required in high school?
- Do current patent/copyright laws and practices encourage innovation or stifle competition?
- At what age should children be given their first cell phone, computer, etc.?
- Is cryptocurrency the future of money or just a fad?
- What is feminist criticism? How do I do it?
- What is Marxist criticism? How do I do it?
- What is New criticism? How do I do it?
- What is psychoanalytic criticism? How do I do it?
- What is reader-response criticism? How do I do it?
- What is historical criticism? How do I do it?
- What is deconstruction? How do I do it?
- What is structuralism? How do I do it?