• Public Access

    Most resources will be freely available to the public; all you need to do is create an account and sign up. All paid courses will have a substantial amount of content that you can preview for free. Until paid courses are finalized, enrollment will be limited to students I'm currently tutoring.

  • Cross References

    All lessons will reference entries in the encyclopedia and vice versa. Learners will be able to look up background information and find lessons pertinent to each topic.

  • Academic & Accessible

    All entries will draw upon the best scholarship in each field, supplementing with explanations and background as necessary.


(Coming Later)

  • Encyclopedia of Praxis: offers procedures for all life-related problems, such as how do I become happier, more successful, more motivated, etc.? How do I live a meaningful life?

  • Encyclopedia of Entities: offers a detailed exposition of all life-related entities, such as what is success, happiness, meaning, love, morality, etc.? How does love differ from related entities like kindness and compassion?

  • Encyclopedia of Concepts: covers all important theories and concepts in the humanities and social sciences and related concepts from STEM. For instance, what is poststructuralism, minimalism, postfoundationalism, etc.?

  • Encyclopedia of Binary Relations: requires the development of a new language halfway between formal logic and natural expression (see the "Find Out More" button under "Literacies"). This new language will be used to precisely identify the logical relationship between entities; for instance, what is the relationship between love and worth? Dependence and independence?

  • Encyclopedia of Writers: covers a highly limited number of influential writers and theorists, such as Hemingway, Carver, Shakespeare, Adorno, Kant, etc. Expansion is a tertiary priority and will be dependent upon additional resources being available.